Morning Drop-Off Procedures

Clearwater Elementary busses drop off students at 7:20 a.m. outside the building. Our staff supervises the bus drop-off and pick-up procedures.

If you are dropping your child off in the morning, please remember the busy morning traffic and lengthy drop-off lines. Parents can begin dropping off students in the car line at 7:20 am at door 1. Staff members will be present when the building is open to accept students. Please do not park and walk your child into the building. Our traffic patterns cannot accommodate walk-ins during drop-off or pick-up.

Students must be in their classrooms, ready to learn, by 7:40 am. If your child is late/tardy or returning from an appointment, you must park and escort them into the building to sign them in at the front office.

Student hours are 7:40 am – 2:25 pm daily.

Afternoon Pick Up Procedures

Car pick up students will be stationed at door 1 on the north side of the building. Please join the car line and follow the marked directions until you reach the sidewalk.


Please help us by encouraging your child to ride the bus to/from school. Our morning drop off and afternoon pick up times are extremely congested, which makes for long lines and added stress for students and parents. You may not park and come into the building at arrival or dismissal.